Freely you have received, freely give. (Matthew 10:8)
The Ladies Philoptochos Society is the main philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Church. Philoptochos is composed of local, diocesan and national memberships and is the second largest women’’s religious charitable organization in the United States. It is represented at the United Nations on the Economic and Social Council.
Philoptochos is a transliteration of the actual Greek word meaning “friends of the poor.” Who are the poor? Those who are poor in financial and material resources, and also those who are poor in spirit, health, companionship, emotional stability and whatever is needed to lead a fulfilling life.
2023 Philoptochos Officers:
President – Mary Kohelis
Vice President – Elaine Flinn
Recording Secretary – Janet DiLorenzo
Corresponding Secretary – Argiro Latousakis
Treasurer – Darlene Ballas
Assistant Treasurer – Alexandra Melonas
Contact: [email protected]